Councils and Commissions
Serving on one of our Leadership Councils or Commission
Our seven councils and commissions assist the Pastor and the pastoral staff in the governance of the parish. They are consultative bodies that the Pastor can prayerfully reflect with and ask for assistance to guide the overall care and ministry of the parish.  A member of a council or commission is by appointment of the pastor and typically serves a minimum of 3 years. (After three years, leaders may reapply for the position).  Members are nominated by the general parish members, by the council or commission members or may be self-nominated.  All potential leaders are asked to go through a discernment process before being appointed.  They need to be partners in the mission prior to and throughout the time they are serving on the Council or Commission.  They attend two leadership gatherings a year, one a fall retreat and a spring meeting. They also help cultivate and discern other members to serve on the council and commissions.  If you wish to nominate someone, or are interested in serving the parish in this way, please contact:  Gail Rayos, 407.265.2317 or
Pastoral Council
The Council is a consultative body that the Pastor can prayerfully reflect with and ask for assistance to guide the overall care and ministry of the parish and the enhancement of its mission. With the Pastor, the Council sets the mission and direction of the parish.  If desiring to serve on the Pastoral Council, you also must have previously served on a Council or Commission during the last five years.
Finance Council
The council is a consultative body providing advice and recommendations to the Pastor concerning the Stewardship of the parish's fiscal and temporal resources, including conducting long range financial planning to support the mission of the parish.  If desiring to serve on the Pastoral Council, you also must have previously served on a Council or Commission during the last five years.   In addition, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops have set out other criteria/requirements.

By Canon law, all solicitations (fundraisers, direct asks, in-kind requests) must be approved in writing by the Pastor or his delegate.  Fr. Charlie has delegated this responsibity to the Finance Council.  During the Month of May, Fundraising and solicitation applications are available for the upcoming pastoral year (July 1-June 30).  Only recognized parish ministries and services may request an application.  Once approved, they may solicit our parisihoners and on our property or through our communication means according to the agreed upon procedures.  The deadline for all fundraisers and solicitation applicications is June 1.  Notification is given no later than July 31.
 It is the goal of the Pastoral Council to reduce all fundraisers to no more than 5 per year.
Grant applications for the Community Fest Grant (open to recognized parish ministries and partnered ministries) and Discipleship Grant (open to recognized parish ministries) are also due on June 1. Please check out the Finance Council's Time & Talent booth for applications.
Stewardship Council
The Stewardship Council promotes Stewardship as a Way of Life within all aspects of the parish community. The council is composed of two teams that focus on very distinct aspects of Stewardship. The Time and Talent Team's role is to connect people with ministry that utilizes their God-given gifts and talents. We accomplish this by fostering personal discovery for our parishioners and a welcoming spirit in our ministries. The Stewardship Development Team focuses its work on the education and development of stewardship within the parish, as well as overseeing the parish's annual Sacrificial Giving Renewal in November, Planned Giving, major gifts, special campaigns and other financial development efforts. 
Corporal Works of Mercy Commssion

Corporal Works of Mercy Commission (CWMC) is a consultative body to the Pastor.  Through consultation, communication, prayer, discernment, education and service, the CCMC inspires, calls forth, promotes, fosters, supports and facilitates Corporal Works of Mercy ministries to respond to varied needs of the most vulnerable among us: the unborn, dying, sick, elderly, isolated, disabled, immigrant workers, the poor, incarcerated persons and their families. CCMC focuses primarily on local needs, but addresses national and international needs as well.


The School Commission is a consultative body that serves as an advisory group to the principal and the Pastor to ensure our St. Mary Magdalen school continues to fulfill the mission of Catholic Education which is to teach gospel values, build faith communities, provide excellence in higher education, and serve the people of the world.

Spiritual Works of Mercy Commission
This consultative body implements the Parish’s mission and goals, as well as seeks to help members of the parish explore and develop their faith and to become more active participants in their faith community. The goals of the commission are to create opportunities to bring out the gifts which manifest the holiness of each individual, to encourage spiritual development within the individual family and parish, support spiritual direction of each organization, and facilitate the flow of spiritual communication among the organizations within the parish.  
Worship Commission
The primary role of this group is to aid and lead the parish community of St. Mary Magdalen to grow spiritually in faith and love through deeper prayer and better worship.