Now is the Time to Prepare for the Roman Missal, Third Edition

New Words: A Deeper Meaning, but the Same Mass
(from the United States Catholic Conference of Bishiops)

The Roman Missal, Third Edition, the ritual text containing prayers and instructions for the celebration of the Mass, is now being prepared for publication. In the United States, seven publishers (Catholic Book Publishing Corp., Liturgical Press, Liturgy Training Publications, Magnificat, Midwest Theological Forum, USCCB Communications, and World Library Publications) will publish ritual editions and are now advertising their plans and will soon accept pre-orders. The Roman Missal will be implemented in the United States of America on the First Sunday of Advent, November 27, 2011.  The ritual editions should start arriving in parishes around October 1.

Pope John Paul II announced a revised version of the Missale Romanum during the Jubilee Year 2000. Among other things, the revised edition of the Missale Romanum contains prayers for the observances of recently canonized saints, additional prefaces for the Eucharistic Prayers, additional Votive Masses and Masses and Prayers for Various Needs and Occasions, and some updated and revised rubrics (instructions) for the celebration of the Mass. The English translation of the Roman Missal will also include updated translations of existing prayers, including some of the well-known responses and acclamations of the people.

The entire Church in the United States has been blessed with this opportunity to deepen its understanding of the Sacred Liturgy, and to appreciate its meaning and importance in our lives.  Parishes should now be in the planning process for the implementation, with a goal toward executing that plan in the coming months.  The parish’s leadership and various sectors of the parish community should be catechized to receive the new translation.  Musicians and parishioners alike should soon be learning the various new and revised musical settings of the Order of Mass.

The entire Church in the United States has been blessed with this opportunity to deepen its understanding of the Sacred Liturgy, and to appreciate its meaning and importance in our lives.

This website has been prepared to serve as a reliable resource for all engaged in the formation process.  Resources can be found here for the faithful, for the clergy, and for parish and diocesan leaders.  As time draws closer for the implementation, more and more resources are being made available here.  The proper texts for Advent and Christmas Time are provided so that Priest celebrants can review the text before the new Missals arrive in Fall 2011.  In addition, the Order of Mass – both standalone and Scripturally annotated versions – can allow Priests and the faithful alike to be familiar with the change in translation as well as the cadence of the various prayers.  There is still time for celebrants to undertake some supplemental reading that will enable them to proclaim the new texts with a deeper appreciation; resources are provided in the Further Reading section for this purpose.

Now is the time to seize the opportunity given to us for all Catholics in the United States to deepen, nurture, and celebrate our faith through the renewal of our worship and the celebration of the Sacred Liturgy.

For more information on the new Mass Settings we will be implementing in September, you are invited to go to the J.S. Paluch website, and select “Mass of Wisdom”

We ask people to come 10 minutes early to Mass through November, to learn new settings.