Labyrinth Garden
Our Chapel Garden Labyrinth
The walkway of the new chapel garden takes you past the statue of our patroness, St. Mary Magdalen, gazing up to heaven as she points to the cross of the church bell tower.
The St. Paul à la Chartres™ design of our new sacred space features an approximately 30-foot brick and paver plaza and labyrinth with a 341-foot walk to the rosette center, for a round trip of 682 feet or .13 mile. The prayer labyrinth is listed in The Labyrinth Society registry.
The garden features a variety of native, Florida-friendly, cold- and drought-tolerant plants along with live oak, white crepe myrtle, Christmas palm, Nellie Stevens holly, winged elms and Little Gem magnolia trees.
Dedication: Weekend celebration of the Feast of Saint Mary Magdalen – July 24, 2022.
Labyrinth Prayer
Let us pray…
May we walk with you O God.
Guide us; teach us; lead us.
We know that you are with us and in us and for us. Your love for us is never ending.
We make this prayer.
A prayer labyrinth can bring deeper focus to familiar prayers like the Rosary or the Examen.
Consider a passage from Scripture to set your mind on God’s accompaniment with you during this pilgrimage of prayer, such as Deuteronomy 1:31, Exodus 13:21-22, Isaiah 42:1-9, Luke 24:13-35.
Mantras may be helpful before, during or following your walk.
Come Holy Spirit, Come
Teach me your ways, O Lord
Lord, hear my prayer
The Jesus Prayer
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
have mercy on me, a sinner.
Walking the Labyrinth
Praying with a labyrinth is a form of walking meditation, a physical expression of the interior journey towards Christ that characterizes all Christian meditation.
Never rush a labyrinth! There is no hurry. Plan at least 20-30 minutes.
Make the sign of the cross…
Name your intention
Invite God to walk with you during this prayer period. Ask for the grace to hear and respond to him. If you have any particular intentions on your heart, name them at this time and tell God that you will carry these intentions with you during the walk.
Walk the path
Enter and follow the path – go at a pace that feels natural. Notice what is happening in your mind and heart. There is no agenda. Rather, let your prayer unfold as you go and trust in God’s guidance. If your mind wanders to thoughts that seem like distractions, name the distraction, lift it up to God and ask God to guide your mind and heart back to him. If the distraction returns, explore it with God.
Give thanks
When you reach the center, thank God for having walked with you along the way … ask God to bless you and be with you… Rest… Make the journey out slowly. Be aware of God’s love. Make the sign of the cross…
Afterwards, take time to reflect on your walk. Write down your thoughts, feelings or anything else that you experienced. If something from these recollections stands out, consider exploring it at another time in prayer or in spiritual direction.
- Adapted from the McGrath Institute
Labyrinth Journey
July 24 Labyrinth Prayer Service
Labyrinth History
Labyrinths go back nearly 5,000 years, with the use for Christian prayer emerging during the Middle Ages. The most famous example of a Christian labyrinth is inlaid on the floor of the Chartres Cathedral in France – the design model of the Saint Mary Magdalen labyrinth.
The geometric designs of labyrinths follow one long path, leading to the center and leading back out to the beginning. They are not a maze – you cannot get lost in a labyrinth!