To meet an unprecedented need for meals and necessities for working families, seniors, and the homeless
Saint Mary Magdalen has partnered with Catholic Charities and The Sharing Center to provide them with
donations through our ministry BOGOGO (Buy One, Get One, Give One).
What is Needed
Non-perishable groceries and necessities such as: canned foods, jars of peanut butter and sauces;
boxed / or packaged goods such as pasta, rice, cereal and baby foods, diapers, wipes,
toilet paper, soap, hand sanitizer, shampoo, toothpaste, and toothbrushes.
How to Donate
Bring your items to be placed in the grocery carts located by the main church entrance or near the chapel.
Items cannot be accepted inside the Church.
When to Drop Off
Before weekend Masses:
Saturday: 4:30pm-7pm
Sunday: 7:30am-12Noon or 5pm-5:30pm.
The Christian Sharing Center
Volunteer or complete your community service hours at The Sharing Center. There are various opportunities on a
regular basis to share your time. Areas include the thrift stores, distribution center, client services, Oasis
homeless center, and the food pantry.