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We Are United in Prayer
Do you want your community to pray for you? Enter your prayer intention.
Want to join our Prayer Angels Ministry? We will email parishioner intentions on a regular basis.
Complete the following information. All parts required to join the Prayer Angels Ministry.
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Neenimon : I am neenimon no job to get a job quickly To change my mother's worries and get healthy and prolong her life please pray for me
Date Submitted: 12/19/2024
Carol: Prayers for Silvia B. She is recovering from a stroke.
Date Submitted: 12/06/2024
Laurie: Please pray for Elaina S. She is currently having heart surgery. Praying health and a fast recovery.
Date Submitted: 12/02/2024
Prayer Opportunities
Daily Mass
Monday-Friday 7:30am in English
Saturday 8am in English
Thursday 7pm in Spanish
Sunday Mass
Saturday 5pm in English and
7pm* in Spanish
Sunday 8am, 10am* **, 12Noon, 5:30pm
*Mass livestreamed, **interpreted for the deaf
Eucharistic Adoration
Tuesday 8am–8pm
Thursday 8am–7pm
First Friday, 8am–10pm (with 12noon Holy Hour for Vocations)