At Baptism, infants and children up to six years of age are initiated into the Christian community and
begin a life-long journey as a committed disciple of Christ.
Since the infant or small child cannot make
this commitment on their own, the parent who requests Baptism for their child states that they wish to
transmit the faith in which they believe and live to their child.
Parents wishing to have their infant or child baptized are required to attend Baptism Preparation.
This gives parents an opportunity to reflect on their own relationship with Christ, the meaning of
Baptism, and to have questions answered about the Sacrament of Baptism and the ceremony. Parents are
asked to contact the parish office to begin preparing for their child’s Baptism. Attending the
sessions before the anticipated birth or adoption is advised so that we may celebrate this joyful time
of watching and waiting with you. We look forward to talking with you.